Monday, May 21, 2012

More Cells... Day +27

Tomorrow will mark 4 weeks since Xander's Autogolous Cord Blood Transplant and what an exciting 27 days so far!

Today, Xander's counts.....
WBC: 1.3
ANC: 1.2

This is absolutely wonderful. He is slowly coming off of the Tacrolimus and is down to 1mg a day now. This is the main reason for his counts coming in so quickly at this time... Tacro is an immune suppressant drug. By the end of the week he will be completely off that medication. He was also removed from the Lucaine (sp) today... we are hoping that his fevers will cease and desist since he is off this one now.

He also got an "A" in his eating for yesterday and got in a whopping 1500 calories!! (thank goodness for all of that Dad persuasion...) He is eating mostly liquids at this point and has adopted Orgain Shakes back into his life (another awesome Dad persuasion).  He is now off of the TPN and Lipids for nutrition (only on TPN to maintain electrolytes while getting Foscarnet). This is a great milestone for him to reach - yay!

Thank you all for your love and prayers



  1. Xan Man,

    Grandma and I are just absolutely thrilled. Keep it up!!! See you in a few weeks.


    Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Hi Xander,
    congratulations! We are thrilled to hear this wonderful news.

    the Das family

  3. Hi Xander,

    We are so happy to hear such wonderful news. Congratulations!


    The Aronoff Family

  4. Yay, Xander!!! Way to go on the eating, it's not easy but you are doing it! Way to rock the Orgain!

    We're really happy that you can taper and stop some of the meds, hopefully your pole won't weigh 200 pounds anymore!


    The Lowensteins

  5. Hi Xander from the Philippines! I told you I would read the blog while I was here :-) I am so glad to hear you are doing better! Keep it up!
