Monday, May 20, 2013

Gut bug OR immune system training session 1.0

Xander posing in front of Mott Hospital
Xander laid low this weekend. Thank goodness it wasn't because of a setback in his BMT. On the contrary, his cell counts are outstanding! On Sunday morning his white blood cell count was 10.3, platelet count was over 100 and hemoglobin bumped up to 9.8.  Xander continues to be afebrile. The doctors and nurses are amazed - flatly and admittedly amazed! Everyday gets better and better. I am sending a huge shout out to the donor! Thank You!

Even with fluid pouring out of both ends half of Saturday and all day Sunday, Xander managed to keep up on fluid and keep his ins and outs balanced. At first we thought the sickness was from switching from IV to oral predisone at such a high dose, but we don't believe that is the issue any longer. It is a bug of some kind. We know it is not C. Diff. Other cultures are pending. By late Sunday night, Xander was having much less gut pain and the vomiting nearly stopped.

Finally, we managed to get a quart on Zingermans chicken broth in him, but other than that, food has been a non starter. Monday's a new day though. I'll report on the CMV blood work as soon as I know. That means that there will be an additional blog post today as soon as I have test results and blood work back.

Peace and Love,



  1. Awesome counts! Great picture! We miss you guys, but we've been staying away given the bugs floating around the schools right now.
    Hopefully we're all clear soon, but I'll FaceTime ya instead later tonight! Auntie L

  2. Xander, we're so inspired by your strength and your family's too!
    The Borgers.

  3. Xander you are amazing!! I know this is tough at times, but you are so strong and resiliant...crossing our fingers you are heading home shortly!!


    Laura, Dale, Corbin and Wilder
