Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Xander's First Violin Recital

Xander rocked out Beethoven's Ode to Joy and the other kids were awesome, too. The audience at Glacier Hills really enjoyed the energy this fine group had to offer.  Many of the children were experienced and practiced so there were some oohs and aahs as well.

We bumped into clients from years ago, Alice and Keki Irani who both look great. They were family friends as well as clients so they were sweet towards Xander when he was little. They always had a little gift for him when I came to fix this or that on their computer. Xander, for his part, remembers parking under the building where they lived in downtown Ann Arbor. Keki and I talked iPads and there were hugs all the way around - Alice and Keki are really great people.

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of my Xander. It has been a week since I was with Xan and the rest of the family for a week. I had to fly home to warm CA on Tuesday morning (1/22/2013).

    We had a great visit for that week. We were able to spend time together including when Xan tried to teach me a video game and to stomp my tush.

    The best time is when the family and I went to get our pictures taken by a professional photographer. Well, it was really for them but they allowed me to be in a couple of pictures for which I am grateful.

    Both Xan and sister Molly commandeered my iPhone and took pictures of themselves and me. Yes, they are still on my phone to show folks.

    Love you all!

    Grandpa Howie
