Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mayo and mustard

Hi, it's Xander again. I am having a great day so far and I just got back from hyperbarics and so far I'm feeling great!  Mom Dad and I are going to mayo clinic in Minnesota, i am going because I'll have to get more blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy and a consult with Dr.Arndt and hopefully I will be doing hyperbarics my next bone morrow transplant there.

Today I have a clinic appointment in Michigan. I'll probably have to get a transfusion today, do you think I will get a transfusion today? ( comments ) I'll also have to get a vitamin blood draw and a normal blood draw ( which is my blood levels ) also I will have a consult with Dr. Connelly and Chastity today about antibiotics and maybe anti fungal meds. I also had a play date with Evan a few days ago and the day after that he couldn't come and I am very sorry that he could not come i would like to have play date with Archer and George and also Elli too, over and out. Love Xander. 


  1. Xander,
    I just got back from Minnesota on Sunday. It's way way colder there than it is here, so bring your woolies.

  2. Hello Xander,
    I want to play with you too!! My mom can't find your phone, but is emailing your mom and day right now.

