Saturday, March 17, 2012


I got a bug somewhere. I fell asleep later in the morning while Xander was getting 30 minutes on the iPad… 2 hours later I felt bad and Xander was quiet as a mouse - still playing on the iPad. Then, while Xander played air hockey with a volunteer, I slept more. I checked my temp multiple times (98.5) and thought it was the bites of delicious greasy breakfast from Angelo's Xander didn't eat that I did. Well, needless to say, we had to change our plans around.
I will not return to the hospital until 24 hours after my current 100 degree fever breaks. I am mostly feeling better, but not seeing my son for a couple of days makes me sad. I DO have tons of work to get done, however. Ten nights on the pullout makes this dad weary.

I can not thank everyone enough for the awesome love and prayers. Xander is handling himself with courage and intelligence. He impresses me everyday and it fills my heart with pride to be his dad.

One more thing - we finally got Liz today. She is Xander's classmate Hugh's aunt and she is super awesome. Having a connection to the "real" world is important for Xander. He was excited and appreciated her care.



  1. You ALL impress me everyday. Courage and intelligence seem to run in the family!

    Aaron, I hope you feel better soon.



  2. Do you need me to come and fill in for you?
